02: Self Care for Mental Health | Surviving Depression, Anxiety & Binge Eating Disorder


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Yeah, I Went There


Self care is about survival, but it's being leveraged online and in social media ads to make you mindlessly consume instead. Listen for more. . I believe sharing my stories of pain and shame are as imperative to my survival as the air I breathe. I am not afraid to talk about the ugly stuff, the broken stuff, the controversial stuff, and the stuff that has rocked my dearly-held and often outdated systems of belief. I'm not afraid of the pain, because it's in the sharing and the wrestling and the discussing that I've found my inner strength. And I want you to have that too. . I am not the hero in my story, I'm just one player. When I share my stories of pain, there will almost always be another person on the other side. But there are no villains in my story either, just other players, players who also have stories of pain and shame. I believe that we have become so ashamed of and uncomfortable with the pain inside ourselves, that is has festered and become so rotten the only natural conclusion we've come to is to dehumanize anyone who disagrees with us. Contrary to what our president wants us to believe, most of us aren't bad to our core. We're in pain, and we're not talking about it in a way where we can all sit at the table, validated in who we are and the stories we carry. But it doesn't have to be that way. . I've been making YouTube videos since January of 2014 documenting my journey through recovery from an eating disorder and mental illness, practicing minimalism to simplify my home and life, budgeting, parenting, homemaking, carpentry and furniture making, interior design and entrepreneurship. I've documented the things that have made me feel good- the things I've tried that I naturally wanted to try again. I've also documented the things I thought I was supposed to do, and convinced myself I wanted to do, but couldn't keep up in the long run. It's been a long, inconsistent journey full of both pain and shame and joy and healing. But, it's led me to where I am today, which is stronger, healthier and happier than I ever knew possible. . And I want you to have that too. . That's my goal. Enjoy. . I have never done affiliates or sponsorships; I am basically an anti influencer. I don't want to sell you anything. I want you to grow as a person and to be happier and more fulfilled in who you are and in what you already have. I'm giving all this away for free so that you will trust what I'm saying without the influence of financial gain. For that reason, will you please consider subscribing, and sharing my content on your social media platforms? I want to keep creating, but I cannot do it without your help. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. . You are a good person, and you are worth loving. Don't you ever forget it.