040: How we used the quarantine to get ahead on our finances


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Control Freak


There is nothing like having a kid and being alive during a worldwide pandemic that makes you realize you need to get your shit together in the financial department.AM I RIGHT?I’ve been asking God for more than a year to help us in this department, asking for Him to give me peace, and help me create a plan to get our family on track financially. To me, that meant creating a plan to get us out of debt- which we have been working religiously on for years. But because all of our focus was there, we didn’t have much of a savings at all. And when this pandemic started, I began to realize how uncomfortable that made me.The day we brought our daughter home from the hospital was the day North Carolina’s stay at home orders went into effect. All of the sudden, four vacations that were going to cost us significant money were cancelled right off the bat. Hotels and tickets were refunded. Student loans went into forbearance, interest rates went away on certain loans, restaurants, bars, and anything we would do for fun closed down. It was like God was looking at me and saying, “here is your blank slate. What are you going to do with it?”In the last five weeks (While I worked VERY limited hours with a newborn, mind you) I printed off a budget. Wrote out ALL of our bills, set my intentions, made a plan, and made a decision to take a month off of debt and get our family AHEAD in April. That consisted of not ordering out and only spending money on what was needed (groceries + bills).With that decision, we have made MAJOR moves.