042: Retirement 2.0


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Catching the Coin


"This is not your father's retirement!" Today's focus of retirement is shifting from deadline-oriented planning (retire at 65) to longevity in the workplace with more mobility (work as long as I feel productive, but on my terms).   In This Episode We Look At: Defining Traditional Retirement: With its age requirements and dependence upon Social Security and/or a pension; is it all that it's cracked up to be? Retirement Re-engineered: Less age-based and more mobility-minded: with the advent of countless remote capabilities, today's worker can earn an income while living remotely Financial fundamentals cannot be overlooked while shifting between retirement mindsets   Today's Resources and Links: Retirement methods compared   One Thing You Can Do Today to Improve Your Financial World: Do some serious soul-searching and ask yourself just how much you enjoy the current field you are working in. Would you work longer in life if you were working in a different field? Why not pursue that now?   What Are Your Thoughts? If you have a question or comment about today's topic, we invite you to share your thoughts.