073 | The Future | Imperium Jets | Airline Business Check-in


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Podcasting On A Plane


It’s been a minute since the last episode. And the last two have both been about COVID related topics, and I’m proud of them, and hopefully they’ve helped make a small difference in someone’s decision making. But the constant low lying threat out there, plus the fact that I’ve not been flying in months, coupled with the weird work schedule, and the lack of social connection with friends and family has really started to add up for me. And I’m sure for you too. But the thing that really seems to be at the center of it all is that eventually, I felt that I lost my creativity. The drive to make content, the drive to become a better pilot, and share what I know, and learn from others. And when that went, I felt down, and I needed to concentrate on getting the background stuff right again. And luckily, I found some stuff that really helped, and now I’m feeling a lot better. Full of cautious optimism if you will… https://imperiumjets.com PlaneEnglish ATC app iOs AND Android (use code "delta" for 10% off!)https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2020/march/16/latest-news-coronavirus-impact-on-ga  https://pilot-protection-services.aopa.org/news/2020/may/01/navigating-covid-19?utm_source=flightpath&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=content&utm_content=may  FAA to scale back ATC service as traffic declines https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2020/april/22/dont-get-rusty-pilots-webinars-launch?utm_source=epilot&utm_medium=email https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3495273104303431952 Great LGA approach video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO1uMBNmSbE Great list of aviation movies to watch: https://www.aerotime.aero/aerotime.team/24870-classic-aviation-movies-to-watch-at-home-aerotime-weekend?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email Article from AeroTime about post-CoronaCrisis Mid-Market Aircraft:https://www.aerotime.aero/rytis.beresnevicius/24828-post-corona-middle-market-aircraft-market?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=emailAmazing LGA approach video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO1uMBNmSbEWim Hof “The Iceman” https://www.wimhofmethod.comSupport: https://www.patreon.com/podcastingonaplane Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/BravoGolfInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/podcastingonaplane/Twitter: podcastonaplaneWebsite: www.podcastingonaplane.com  Music by: Yellowbase