08 |The purpose effect | R.Delgerbat


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Radio505 about art and design


The purpose effect Бид энэ удаагийн дугаартаа Motion graphics, 2D animation, Additional Illustration Дэлгэрбат-г оролцууллаа. Түүний анх хэрхэн мotion designer болж байсан мөн хэрхэн канадад тус мэргэжлээр ажиллаж амьдарч байгаа талаар олон сонирхолтой зүйлсийг энэ удаагийн дугааараас сонсоорой. Мөн зочны маань санал болгосон дууг подкастын төгсөлд сонсоорой. Cанал болгож буй ном: Steal like an artist, Bad artist Copy Good artist Steal (Book) Санал болгосон хөжгим: Hangal Jantsanorov Sharav Sedaa Yat-Kha Egshiglen Anda Union Alash Ensemble Khusugtun Khuun khuun huur The HU Infected mushroom Moderat Nils Frahm Kiasmos Christian Loffler Olafur Arnalds Ryuchi sakamoto Trentmoller Web http://motionographer.com/ https://www.schoolofmotion.com/blog/2019-motion-design-survey https://icecreamhater.com/ https://vimeo.com/channels/wineaftercoffee Top Artist http://jrcanest.co/ https://biogenic.design/ https://eoinduffy.me/films https://www.w0w.co.jp http://www.sandervandijk.tv/ Tendrill Animade.tv Buck Animation Monk Psyop Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/digitalbobert https://www.schoolism.com/ Schools https://motiondesign.school/ https://www.schoolofmotion.com/ https://www.learnsquared.com/ https://join.skillshare.com https://greyscalegorilla.com/ Podcast: Motion Hatch The Futur Creative Pep talk The Collective Podcast Creative theory Animalators Mograph Podcast ChiuStream Санал болгож буй кино: Ghibli Pixar_Wall E, Toy Story, Monster Inc, Wes Anderson Fantastic Fox, Grand hotel Budapesht Love me if you dare, Mr nobody, Interview with Vampire Vanilla sky, Angel A, Braveheart Forest Camp Mongol kino What is freelance? (People who doesn’t have a commitment to any one employer ) 16. Motion Design aar tsaashdaa yvah sonirholtoi humuust handaj helhed? If you taking first step make 300$ work make it like 3000$ work build portfolio Make room for your schedule for learning and plan for invest and repeat Go out meet people, Most of the artists introvert () Speed up the Carrier, Make sure independent project is going even if you work full time Ask why, Make Plan but be countable Process more important than achieve anything love the process Reverse engineering Failure is the most valuable thing of life Mongol designeruud delhiid? https://www.facebook.com/ariunbold.abo?ref=br_rs Brainstorm Branding Agency https://www.facebook.com/AncientUrbanKids/ https://www.facebook.com/ChontTelmen1/ https://www.facebook.com/heescoart https://www.instagram.com/ts_nemekh/ https://www.instagram.com/1tgel/ Chinzoo https://www.facebook.com/odonb https://www.facebook.com/tamir.erdenebold https://www.facebook.com/monkomodus https://www.facebook.com/aguulga/ https://www.facebook.com/illiminato.forza https://www.facebook.com/baska.agul Try to learn more how to tell good storytelling