#10 My 2019 in review and creating habits and New Year’s resolutions that stick


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Yellow Glitter


I’m back for 2020! I share with you my highs of 2019, favorite books I’ve read, lessons from my lows, and advice on how to create habits and New Year’s resolutions that stick. I share a bit about how to practice self-love, compassion and how to address our egos.   This episode I talk about: What were my highlights of 2019? What were my favorite books of 2019? What were my lows of 2019? Why do we use negative reinforcements to build habits? Why negative reinforcements don’t work. How to build habits correctly. What is the biggest lesson I learned in 2019? How to practice self-love. What trick do I have to get me to go out when I feel shy. What is my 2020 mantra? Tips on how to set your New Year’s resolutions   Check out my gaysian support group in NYC: Yellow Glitter Sparkles (February 2020)   Favorite books: Mindfulness: Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life by Thich Naht Hanh Human Psychology: Laws of Human Nature by Robert Green Love & Romance: Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix Work & Business: Principles by Ray Dalio Health: When the Body Says No by Gabor Mate Autobiographies: When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi The Choice by Edith Eger Know My Name by Chanel Miller On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong   Setting New Year's resolutions: Identify (Create your self affirmations “I am” and identify the small habits that help you achieve this affirmation) Tracking (Score how you are tracking towards each resolution and measure from 0-1) Adjusting (0-0.3: make it easier, 0.4-0.6: keep on going, 0.7-1: consider making it slightly more advanced)   You can follow me at: Instagram (instagram.com/stevenwakabayashi) Twitter (twitter.com/wakuu) Facebook (facebook.com/wakuu) YouTube (youtube.com/stevenwakabayashi) Weekly Newsletter (mindfulmoments.substack.com)