1.08 - Vision in White by Nora Roberts


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From my Shelf to Yours


Welcome back, bookworms! Thanks for joining in this week's episode. Today I am talking about Nora Roberts' Vision in White, the first novel in the Bridal Quartet series. I love Nora. Also, I have a special couple of announcements inside, one being the new feature in The Bookie Corner for all you writers out there who want to get featured in the podcast with your own stories! I would love to read your story, so email me at thebookiecorner@gmail.com with your short story. RULES: - Limit: 3500 words - Send in a Word document as an attachment. DO NOT paste the story into the body of the email, I will immediately reject it. - 12 pt, Times New Roman, 1.5 or 2.0 spaced - No erotica and no sexually explicit content; keep it PG. - Stories with strong female leads preferred. Meaning that I prefer stories where women aren't being victimized, especially if the victimization is there for shock value. - Well-written, edited for content and grammar. - I reserve the right to reject your piece if it is about something I do not agree with or has content I prefer not to read on air. - There will be no monetary compensation for you submitting and getting your story read on air. Your reward is getting your story heard, which is amazing. Tell your friends about this feature of The Bookie Corner! And if you would like to get featured, make sure you follow the above rules and send them to me! I would love to read your short stories. Also, I will soon have a Patreon! I will announce it when it is live. Thanks for listening. I am The Bookie Corner on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Come follow me and let's have a conversation about books! Until next time.