14 - Trump's Cabinet Nominations


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Like Pigs Around A Melon

News & Politics

Hello, we're back! It's been a month. Wow. Sorry, you know, for everything. We actually recorded a... torrid post election night podcast, but Ryan wisely (or not) opted to not let it see the light of day. Then he jumped into an anti-reality hole until Murphy finally dragged him back out into whatever we call sunlight in this post-truth world. Today we talk about President-Elect Trump's cabinet nominations and what little we know about them. Thanks for sticking around and we hope to be more regular again going forward from here!Sorry for some of the audio goofiness. Ryan tried a slightly different post-processing technique, saved it without reviewing, closed it (!), and this is what he gets for his hubris.Music: Vladimir Horotwitz - Danse Excentrique