#15: It Has to Be a Hot Ringtone


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We kick off another episode with what is rapidly becoming a Postmodem trope—that's right, more Williamsburg Bar Stories from Phillip. We criticize people who are poor about respecting the boundaries of others. Patrick discusses the time he got his ass whooped in jiu-jitsu by a bouncer from one of Cleveland's largest strip clubs. We engage in an truly exhaustive review of Doris, Earl Sweatshirt's debut album. We discuss the nature of publicity and popularity in the Internet age. Patrick defends his choice to avoid watching Breaking Bad (viz. that shit is stressful). Colin describes his experience at the Rock the Bells festival. Patrick demands a Postmodem jingle/ringtone. We reflect on the threat that Mortal Kombat and rap lyrics posed to America in the 1990s, grow angry about the devolution of American media and the deification of Ronald Reagan, and engage in some good-natured trash-talking regarding Letterpress. We decry both gamers and "men's rights" activists, then close the episode with a discussion of exploring an abandoned steel mill.