(#15) Let's Move Forward!


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Intentional Harmony Podcast


These are hard times my friends... but we will get through it! What can we do when the world is shutting down from a pandemic and our performances and tours are all canceled? When our income is taken away from us in a matter of days? We focus on what we CAN do. What resources we do have!  So today let's talk about getting off the physical stage and putting your music in the spotlight online. Distribution and beyond! Other details that you shouldn't miss after you register with an online distribution service. Links: https://flypaper.soundfly.com/hustle/8-effective-ways-to-get-more-playlist-followers-on-spotify/ https://artists.spotify.com/faq/access#how-do-i-get-access-to-spotify-for-artists intentartistmanagement.com   Music by Michael Dean Warren