#19: Jerry Leach: Is There Still Value in a Builders Association?


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Sticks and Bricks Podcast


Looking at the calendar, it’s that time of year again. All across the country, Home Shows and other events to get people excited about building a new home start to happen. And many of those events are organized and run by Builders Associations. Seeing the early promotion of our local show got me to thinking about our local Home Builders Association and the times I spent attending events and even serving on the Board in the past. When I was involved, the Board often spoke about retaining and growing the membership. That’s nothing new. Associations everywhere struggle with this same thing – and – all need to keep changing to adapt to each new generation of members. So, I was happy that Jerry Leach, Executive Director of the Home Builders Association of Metropolitan set aside some time for a frank discussion on how his Association has changed over time – and – how they stay relevant in our fast-changing world. We talk about how Associations need to continue to adapt to provide value to their members.