2021.09.12 Joe Helg (God's Grace Upon Him: The Enduring Persistence of God's Love)


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Grace Christian Church Sermons

Religion & Spirituality

Last week we began a study in Jonah… we looked at his calling and drew some important lessons that could be applied to us as Christians (specifically Fathers as we celebrated Fathers Day). Today we continue the study in Jonah, and we'll look at his response (as he flee's God's call) and the gracious persistence God shown toward him. Never should we allow the shadow of familiarity to lessen the lustre of the tremendous truths of God's Word, never should we become casual about the power and great glory that is encased within the gospel of grace, and the continual persistence of God's love reaching out to us!! to watch the service click the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjtMNILog4s Have a blessed day brothers & sisters!!