23 – Michael Moynihan: Data Privacy and Boonan


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(http://earthplus30.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Michael-Moynihan_2-photo2.jpg) Michael Moynihan is a data wrestler. He has worked in the internet and data world for roughly 30 years. While in the Clinton White House, he focused on issues related to data security and privacy in the first days of the internet. Today, he is CEO of a company that developed a crowd sourced productivity application called Boonan, that helps uses make better decisions to achieve their goals. As a friend, Michael and I have had numerous conversations about the complicated inter-dependency between individuals and the corporations that are providing all the enticing services on the Internet. I thought that he would make a wonderful podcast guest who could help all of us better understand the myriad layers and complexity of our data infused world. Please join my conversation with Michael.