232 The Great Reset


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Worship Fertilizer from Ad Lib Music

Religion & Spirituality

https://adlibmusic.com/schedule-a-call https://adlibmusic.com/232 https://adlibmusic.com/023 Maybe we feel disoriented because God is trying to reorient us. As churches, we’ve been forced to rethink virtually everything about our weekly gathering rhythms. Naturally, we feel a growing anticipation for when we can meet again. Once this storm has past, what will you restart and what will you put to rest? And what if we don’t look at it as "when we come back" but "what God is inviting us into?" This is such a time of unusual opportunity. We must take the time to ask this question. "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." (Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV) "Jesus responded, "Why do you keep looking backward to your past and have second thoughts about following me? When you turn back you are useless to God’s kingdom realm." (Luke 9:62 TPT) Can you mow a straight line if you keep talking to your neighbor as you look back over your shoulder? So take a moment to reflect: what was Sunday really about? Fellowship Gathered worship Learning Outreach Fundraising (don’t hate me) You can read the Fertilizer called "Why do we Gather?" here to jumpstart your thinking. Here are some further questions for your team: What do you miss most about gathering? Why do you miss that? What scriptural model, design, or narrative does that desire come from? (this will either help strengthen it or help you let it go) How is the Church better positioned to be the Light of the World with these limitations? What are the benefits of physically gathering on a weekend to worship? (List them specifically and comprehensively) What energy have we been over-investing or under-investing in planning the hour on Sundays? How has this season kickstarted the church (versus just the leaders)? How can we re-tool to continue this healthy shift? What is one thing that we’re sure needs to stop? What sacred cows do we need to grill? (things/ministries we used to do that we thought could never end, but now have been paused) Where is our greatest opportunity for sharing the gospel? How do finances shape what you do when you gather? How was the way we were doing ministry failing to make strong, radical disciples? How would we shape ministry to more fully do that? How do our gatherings and ministries love, serve, and lead in ways that are scriptural and Spirit-inspired in the context of our emotionally-driven world? How can the Church be more unified, not with the world but, for the sake of the world, with Herself? How has your worship ministry failed or succeeded in training your congregation to be homes of worship? What can you do to strengthen that (beyond the helpful idea of sending them videos of you doing a song)? Seize the opportunity given us! Let’s get in sync with the Lord’s perspective and purpose in this time. We ask Him together to reshape, realign, and reset us for His desire! And this would be a great time to join the other worship leaders who are resetting their next decade with a round of coaching. Having someone to talk with who is outside of your ministry context is so helpful! We’re offering a free session to leaders who haven’t tried it yet. Just schedule a time by clicking on https://adlibmusic.com/schedule-a-call.