27 The Application Funnel


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Downline Automation Radio


[00:00:25] What's going on. Downline automation, radio family. I, I was a little late to get that transition, to get me on the screen. If you're watching on YouTube or Facebook. Hey, how are you? Good to see ya. Hey, I am very, very excited. I did not have a lot of time to talk today. Unfortunately, there's ton going on right now. [00:00:43] I have a lot of exciting announcements to make. I finished my application funnel it's up and running, and I'm very excited about it. I think it looks amazing. I think it provides tremendous, tremendous value. I don't know how to share it with you though, without promoting my own MLM. And that's not what, like I promised you guys, I won't do that. [00:01:07] Right. So I'm not going to share that URL with you where you can find the thing, but I really want you to see it and see how it works. And I'm trying to work through that in my mind. Okay. Listen. I can't think of any other way to do this. How can I do there's no other way to do this. This is not a pitch. [00:01:23] Okay. It's not a pitch. This is not a, Hey, join my MLM. I just want to show it to you. Is that fair? Okay. I'm not asking you to join my Maya. If you're in your MLM and you're happy. Great more power to you. Stay there. Not, not trying to get you to come to me, but I want to show you how this works, how the process works from listening to this podcast, to getting put on an email list, to, purchasing a course. [00:01:47] So an upgrade course to application funnel where, how this all fits together. And I want to share it with you just because I think it's very cool. Promise me, you won't get mad about this. Okay. Like this is not like a game changer. If it's going to be a game changer for you to know where my application funnel is, skip this episode. [00:02:08] How about that? Is that fair? Is that fair? Okay. It's at www.jointhismlm.com. My one time, I'm going to say it and that's it. You can find it there, but, I'm very excited about it. Cause it has the opportunity for people to get to know me, to understand what I'm bringing to the table. Now, this funnel is already designed, understanding that people are already familiar with me, familiar with how I build the MLM business. [00:02:43]and they want to work with me. Okay, so that, that's what I'm bringing to the table. Okay. This is not listed on Google. You can't like Google this, it won't show up in search engines. based on, on SEO, like I've, I've removed it from that intentionally. I don't want people just coming to this and seeing it and being confused and not understanding. [00:03:06] I want them to go through a process to get to this page so that when they get there, They're ready to go. Like they're all right. They're chomping at the bits. I don't want cold or warm traffic going to this site. I want hot traffic going to the site. I want people who want to work with me, who are excited to work with me and are ready to just like, yeah, like, let's go like join hands. [00:03:32] Like let's let's apply. So. That's what this is. This is an application funnel where you do have to apply to work with me. And all of the stuff is in there. I've got a really, really super cool strategy going on. When you scroll down just a little bit, you can see the people as they're applying that updates every five minutes. [00:03:55] It's real time. It's real people applying to work on my team. They go there, they sign up. And that information is then uploaded up onto, a, a Google Excel spreadsheet and that Google Excel spreadsheet is then transferred so that no private information, no information that people might be sensitive to, that I'm asking in the, application funnel they are, then, That's then like filtered out and put into this, spread into another spreadsheet, which is then presented that you see on the website. [00:04:27] I'm so proud of it. I love it. I think it looks amazing. I'm so excited by it. and then there's the stack. Like I think the stack is really valuable as you go further down, just telling you what you're going to get by working with me and, and all the things that I'm going to be providing for you over $13,000 worth of stuff, frankly, it could be worth a little bit more. [00:04:46]but I didn't want to make an unbelievable some of the stuff. So that's, that's kind of the numbers that I'm working on. I may change some of this as we go, but, that's it that's it for the front page and it goes so well. And then from there they put in their email and their, and some information for them so I can call them and finish off the, the signup process. [00:05:05] If I want to, or if they're ready to get started right away, they can do it through the webpage. They don't even have to talk to me and we can get started right away. So. That's the first bit of big news. Wow. That is a good one. That application funnel is a game changer. I'm telling you people, when people start implementing this, it's going to bring so much professional believability to your business no longer are you asking people to work with you? [00:05:34] They're asking to work with you. It's a complete, complete reversal. It's easier to pull a rope, right? Like that old story of, you know, the, the sailor trying to curl up the rope he's brand new. He doesn't know what he's doing. He's a 12 year old kid. He's just on the docks for his first day. And the old seasoned sailor tells him to curl up this, this or the rope. [00:05:55] And he's trying to push the rope into a coil. Doesn't work that way. The old sailor grabs his hands and shows him and pulls the rope so much easier to pull a rope. It's so much easier to work with people who want to work with you by polling them, instead of pushing yourself onto them, which is what all the hun bots out there are doing. [00:06:15] Okay. And I'm not for that. I don't want to do that. I don't want anybody else to do that. It is an awful strategy. I don't like it. If you've listened to this podcast even a little bit, you know, I that's just not for me. Does it work? Yes. Is it the best way? Debatable, highly debatable. Okay. So I'm very excited about this because I'm only going to be talking to and working with people who want to work with me, who have gone through my entire funnel series and found their way to this point where they want to work with me. [00:06:47] And if that's not you totally cool. I get that. Please take the strategies, implement them yourself. Work with where you're at. That's totally fine. That's totally, totally cool. That's not the whole point of this podcast. This podcast is to educate you on a new way, on a new idea, a new philosophy of building this business and how powerful it can be for you as an entrepreneur and what this can change for you. [00:07:11] So don't go to this site, please. Don't go to the site and just like, fill it out just to hack it or whatever. Like this is an actual working site. Like I don't want. To have your information. If, if you're not serious about working with me, It's not a hundred percent on. I have not written all of the followup emails that go along with this site. [00:07:31] I'm building out the membership site. That's going to be a part of this. the first page is done and we should have that absolutely completed by the end of July. my partner is, is doing all the filming and stuff like that. And, it's going to be really good. It's going to be really good. I'm laying out all the funneling and stuff like that for the flow and how it all works. [00:07:49]and, that'll be up and running any minute. Now, like I said, in the next 30 days, probably in the next week, we should start actually having the site up and running with the training and we'll just be filling it out at that point. So, we're ready to go. We're a hundred percent live at this point. [00:08:03] I'm so fired up guys. This is so great. So now. The first step in my process has been this, get the podcast up and running so I can start educating people about this idea. Start bringing people into my world, getting, getting them into email lists, getting them excited about what I'm doing. Okay. I've other strategies of which I'm recruiting and selling a front end lead in a squeeze page where I have an offer. [00:08:29] I'm also going to be creating a summit. In summer and September, it looks like the last three days in September, I'll be going to be putting a summit together with other leaders, in the network marketing space who are doing incredible things. Some of them building the business the way I do, some of them building the business old school, some of them building it with social media, all sorts of different ideas, all coming together about how to recruit people. [00:08:53]In in this industry. And, I'm very excited about that. That's going to be huge too. So I have like a bunch of leaves out there that I'm bringing people into my world and exposing them to my ideas and my concepts. And then, I'm offering, a course, basically teaching the, the basics. Right. [00:09:10] And, and intro one Oh one class, basically, if you will, to automation and it's called, MLM MythBusters. and we're going to be selling that again soon. we're revamping it, making it even better, and it was great beforehand. We, all the testimonials that we got so far from that thing are, are absolutely, breathtaking from my perspective, I was like, wow, I'm really blown away by how blown away they are. [00:09:32]and I'm really proud of it. I'm very excited to continue to develop that. So we're going to develop that out even more this summer and put that back on the market, make it available for everybody. So that you're kind of getting like a, a watered down, not a watered down version, but a scrubbed version of all of, all of our personal, like I'm in an MLM. [00:09:50] So it will be all the training, the MLM training without mentioning which MLM I'm in. Okay. And we'll be selling that for those of you who, who love what I'm doing and are very excited about what I'm doing. That'll be selling that entire course for you. and you'll be able to use that however you choose to. [00:10:06] So there's a lot happening right now and that's why I'm so busy. I took two weeks off, just to rest and recuperate and get ready for this big charge. I was frankly, burnt out and I needed to take some time for myself. and that's what I love about this is because while I was resting and recuperating and spending time with my family and, you know, just clearing my head. [00:10:25] My list still grew. There were still some of you who signed up for my list. Thank you so much, by the way. Love having you here. I'm so glad that you're listening and enjoying this content, but I'm so, so fired up about this application funnel, guys. This thing is a game changer. I don't, I don't want you to just go through this, hack it for yourself. [00:10:45] Maybe what I'll do. I'll I'll probably put up, I'll probably make one available in the email list. So if you're not on my email list, Sign up. and I'll find a way to, I'll find a way to, to, to, to modify that. So that there's a link so that you can get, a copy, basically, a stripped down copy with, you know, all, all the important parts. [00:11:06] And you just have to put in your own information and videos and stuff like that. The video, by the way, I'm super pumped about the video, for our business plan that we put together. This thing is automated so brilliantly. We took a, I'm not going to tell you that I'm not going to tell you that cause it's so good. [00:11:26] I don't want that out yet. That's going to be a, that's going to be a team secret for a little while before I released that. To be honest with you, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna just give that one away. Listen, check it out. Check out the website. I promised I wouldn't say it again. So if you are curious, rewind back and check out the website. [00:11:44] And, and, and just look at it, if you want to, just to kind of give yourself an idea, but I'm very excited, for this, for this thing. and I, I hope you are too. I hope you're excited to put this in for your team so that you stop working with people. You gotta, you gotta push, you gotta push them to go do something. [00:11:59] It's like, come on, get out of there. Go, go talk to somebody, go, go, sell something, go, go create some volume, go, go sponsor somebody. You get exhausted doing that. Don't stop. Don't be the young sailor. Be the smart. Kraft, the older sailor who pulls the rope. Okay. That's my, that's my message to you. Thank you so much for listening. [00:12:16] I'm so excited for, all the great feedback I've been getting on the podcast and, and all the new listeners. Thank you so much for sharing the podcast. I really do appreciate that. it helps every little bit helps and, let's change this industry for the better, so that we're, you know, We're we're doing good things in the meantime. [00:12:32] Have a great day, everybody. [00:12:39] Hey, thanks for listening. Please remember to subscribe and leave feedback. Would you like a copy of the book that changed everything in my network marketing business? If so you can get a free copy of network marketing secrets at downlineautomation.com.