4: Thisfunktional Podcast #16 - Interview Geoffrey Rivas


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Theater & Arts


Jesus Figueroa, @Thisfunktional of thisfunktional.com, talks with Latina Christmas Special director Geoffrey Rivas. The Latino Theater Company (LTC), operators of the Los Angeles Theatre Center (LATC) present The Latina Christmas Special created by Diana Yanez, written by and starring critically acclaimed Latina comediennes Diana Yanez, Sandra Valls and Maria Russell under the direction of Geoffrey Rivas, to be presented at the Los Angeles Theater Center. Follow and interact with Jesus: Twitter - @thisfunktional Instagram - @thisfunktional Facebook - ThisfunktionalLA Tumblr - Thisfunktional AudioBoom - Thisfunktional YouTube - Thisfunktional Get social with "The Latina Christmas Special" at: https://facebook.com/latinachristmasspecial https://twitter.com/latinachristmaspecial @latinachristmaspecial https://instagram.com/latinachristmasspecial @thelatc #theLATC #Podcast #Podcasts #Interview #Interviews #Thisfunktional #LosAngeles #LosAngelesTheater #Theater #LosAngelesTheaterCenter #Latin #Latino #Latina #Hispanic #Mexican #PuertoRican #Cuban #Lithuanian #American #Christmas