5 Ways to Elevate and Optimize Your Finances


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Beyond Finances


37: Let's go beyond the basics to look at how you can optimize your savings, get strategic with debt, and level up how you invest to grow wealth. There’s no shortage of podcasts or blogs that cover simple pieces of advice and the same basic money moves to make: pay down debt, save up cash, invest for the future, and so on. So today, we want to kick it up a notch and help you see how you can go from good money move, to BETTER move, to best, most optimized strategy to use in your financial plan. We're going to look at 5 good pieces of financial advice… and then tell you how to optimize each aspect of your financial life. We'll cover: How to pay off debt in the most efficient way and what you should know before you refinance — and when you might want to leverage debt to grow wealth instead. The steps to take with your retirement accounts (beyond just saving enough to get the employer match) and how to create a big pool of money in your retirement plan that won't be taxed when you withdraw your funds. Why you need to balance the temporal weight of your tax liability across present and future. What you can do to make sure you're truly diversified when you invest, and how to make your investments more tax-efficient (so you keep more of your return in your pocket). The specific actions you need to take to optimize your investment portfolio. Things to think through when it comes to maximizing how much money you can earn, through a corporate job or on your own in self-employment. Ready to optimize your finances and do more with your money?