All Our Filthy Logic - Bernard Clarke - 22 septembre 2016


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Passeport International


all our filthy logic Aujourd’hui, l’artiste et animateur radio Bernard Clarke nous présente son collage sonique All Our Filthy Logic. Une œuvre dédiée à la crise des réfugiés que connuaît l’Europe et la planète entière aussi depuis 2015. Échantillons, prises de sons et archives documentent l’incroyable périple de plusieurs d’entre-eux, périple qui, écrit Bernard Clarke, débute ou se termine par la mort en mer Méditérannée, le long des chemins de fer d’Europe centrale, ou dans les camps de réfugiés. All Our Filthy Logic - Toute notre logique répugnante, débute en mer... Bernard Cklarke est aussi animateur radio de l'émission sensationnelle NOVA à la RTÉ en Irelande. all our filthy logic is a sonic impression of the Refugee Crisis that erupted in Europe since 2015. The piece uses samples, location recordinga and many archive sources to document a harrowing journey that often begins and ends in death – whether that be the seas of the Mediterranean, the long cold train tracks of central Europe, refugee camps, or from suffering from the elements. Although the work is conceived as a single radio piece, a whole, it can be loosely broken into key episodes. It opens in the sea, where so many poor refugees meet their end; then looks back at the largely failed Arab Spring, and Cairo in 2011; moves on then to war-torn Syria; across the deserts to Greece and the Aegean sea; we hear how Western media responds first to the “migrant crisis” and then in the face of appalling loss of life, the “refugee crisis”; mainland Europe and a confrontation in Budapest; then on to the train journeys that took so many to Vienna, Berlin and Paris; “And still they come” says the Irish news reader: and so we end where it began, in the sea. The piece draws on the rich resources of the RTÉ sound archives and on many location recordings from friends in Egypt, Lebanon, Germany and France. Bernard Clarke