
Listens: 0 The Immigration Show


Instead of being the light by the golden door, to continue the analogy of the Statue of Liberty, the United States has become a gate or a wall. Historically, America has been a place that welcomes people from all walks of life. “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. The United States is a melting pot where all races, religions, creeds and genders are accepted. America has been a place where the persecuted can find refuge. That is what makes America great. We are not one type of people. We’re all people. American brothers and sisters have come from immigrants. We all have some story about how and when our folks came to the United States. We are replacing the Statue of Liberty with a wall – excluding some instead of including all. HOW USCIS HAS MORPHED USCIS has changed from being a service-based provider of immigration benefits to an enforcement agency. USCIS was designed to process cases and make sure the criteria are being met. The current process already determines whether somebody has enough ‘merit’ to qualify. Now, USCIS is creating new reasons to deny cases. Many people are unaware about how specific immigration regulations have changed. People have continued to file immigration paperwork in the same old way. That is to create a Table of Contents, provide some evidence and let immigration figure it out. As a result, denials are becoming more prevalent, causing frustration for U.S. employers. USCIS is cherry-picking issues in an effort to deny cases. Things like: contract language, job titles and descriptions, employer-employee relationships, right to control and vendor relationships are all being used as a means of denial. What we do is help look at how the organic documents are organized. For example, what do the contracts with employees and vendors say? What is the language in them? How is the job being named and described? What is the relationship to other companies and who is in control of the employees? Immigrants are a good idea. America is a light by the golden door. What is happening at USCIS is a philosophy change that is a catalyst for structural change.