Are my goals healthy?


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Relax with Meditation


 Regardless if we reach our goals or not… We check if the goals are healthy in the longtime. And the goals should give us also for the future something that were worth to acquire our goals!Looks too logical?Then why do most people fail to do so?For instance, the strongest man, David Goggins:Cannot build up healthy and lovely relationships. Even he had killed innocent people in the Iraqi war (that was a total mess and the worst war at all) to show how strong he is and awesome manhood he has…If we fail to build up healthy and lovely relationships we will be punished in our whole life.All we need is love!If we sacrifice our health for our goals to win some meaningless medals or to become rich and successful, we have failed, too. No excuse!I could watch so many people are doing Yoga and Meditation to escape for their relationship problems… If you don’t believe so…Go in any Ashram of India and you will find the majority of the inhabitants have messed up in their relationships!Instead, to build up a lovely relationship with the Lord that is the most important thing in our lives, they waste their time caring out meaningless tasks in the Ashrams!For what are these Ashrams or Temples good? Definitive I don’t know!What do we need to become happy and that is also true when we are old?A healthy lifestyle with vegan food (no industrially processed food) and enough body exercise. Healthy lovely relationships.An education, and for sure we have to learn every day, that gives us a job that is full filling and we earn enough money.We need to build up a healthy, lovely relationship with God. If we get all of these 4 points correct, we have mastered our life!My Video: Are my goals healthy? Audio: