Beyond the Curriculum - The Jerry Toups, Jr Interview


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Feed the Machine


Warren Spiwak interviews Author/Educator/Influencer Jerry Toups, Jr. Warren Spiwak heard about the amazing things happening in Mr. Toups classroom after many students outlined for Warren how impactful and encouraging their time is inside Mr. Toups' 9th Grade Geometry Class. Mr. Toups wrote the book, "The Story of Always Believe" to share how several of the most difficult things that happened to him as a boy...shaped who he is today...and how he shares a VITAL message to all his students. In addition to this, Mr. Toups conducts what is called "Friday Night Lights" during HS football season, he dedicates his evening to photography on the field and in stands...and kids pose with the locally famous "BELIEVE" sign that is found in thousands and thousands of photos.You can find Mr.Toups on www.toupsgraphics.comTolerance Window Reference was Warren's paraphrasing of the Tolerance Window written by DR. DAN SIEGEL.To access Warren Spiwak