Bigger Isn't Always Better with Claire Pelletreau


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Jereshia Said


This episode features the wonderful Claire Pelletreau, someone who has truly created her ideal lifestyle as her business has grown. She focuses on consistent quality over potentially burdensome growth, proving that bigger isn’t always better.   Claire is all about Facebook and Instagram ads. While she may run the occasional client ad campaign, her core offerings consist of a course to get people running their own Facebook ads, and a mentorship program for those that want to grow a business running ads for clients.   While working full-time at an info-product business, Claire gained all the expertise and confidence she needed to start her own business. Initially hustling for clients, over time she understood the true value of her worth, growing her business to six-figures and beyond.   After enjoying this episode, I highly recommend you check out my episode on her excellent podcast, The Get Paid Podcast.   Key Highlights of the Episode This episode was extremely actionable and insightful. Here are a few key highlights: Working with multiples - Claire sells online courses AND runs a mentorship program, she launched because her course clients wanted more. This allowed Claire to charge premium prices. However raising your rates and enrolling clients at your raised rates are two different things. Claire’s mentorship program is hugely transformational for the members because they gain access to her expertise and a whole community for support. Be an authority and have confidence in your abilities - When working with a client, Claire clearly sets expectations from the beginning. She has such confidence in her expertise that if a client experiences challenges, they trust and rely on her expert explanations without second guessing. Set your boundaries - Claire has given herself the freedom to be flexible in how she serves clients. She prioritizes her lifestyle over business growth. She doesn’t want the burden of running an agency and only chooses to work with a client if she feels their values align. Focus on your core offerings - Even though Claire focuses her efforts on her two successful core products it wasn’t always that way. She remembers creating other things that seemed like a good idea and after expensive launches, realized that no one wanted them. Know when to slow down and when to speed up - “If you’re on the beach, shouldn’t you just enjoy the beach?” Claire knows how to appreciate family and vacation time and points out that it’s a totally different world when you have a kid. There’s a time to speed up, for example, if a client is about to launch a new product, and there’s a time to slow down and focus on life. And lots more! Tune in now.  This episode is brought to you by SERVICES THAT SELL:   This episode was brought to you by my premium program, Services that Sell.    If you've been thinking about niching down and creating a four-figure service that you can sell consistently, And if you have been searching for a simple way to sell your services without a complicated funnel, I encourage you to sign up for my FREE masterclass at I'll make sure you know everything you need to gain the clarity you crave to confidently sell your services online.    Visit to register for the next masterclass training today!