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Life Chapel Toledo

Religion & Spirituality

BOLD FOCUSSunday, November 15, 2020The writer of the Song of Solomon gives us a hidden nugget in 2:15 - It’s the little foxes that spoil the vines.  Most of our distractions are not huge, glaring issues.  They are small things and the many small things become a part of a greater problem.The church has an option right now!  You and I are in the midst of a choice.  It’s as though we are in the middle of the slow motion movie bit where we will choose to stay focused on Jesus or get distracted but the world around.Matthew 6:33 - That “SEEK” is about your FOCUS and that focus must be on the Kingdom.If we fail to focus we are destined to fail.Philippians 3:12-14 This is no time to lose sight of what matters and get carried away with things that have no internal value.2 Chronicles 20:5-15 / 20