BONUS EPISODE - Ragman on CW's Arrow


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Funny, They Don't Look Jewish!


Arrow Season 5 Arrow S5E2 “Recruits” 34:40, 7:58 left Rory mentions father saved his life with rags from the time of Devarim (bad pronunciation) Thank you to of for this one: Arrow S5E7 “Vigilante” 3:10 min in 39:15 left Ollie asks Rory if a quote is from the Torah (it’s Moby Dick) Arrow S5E8 “Invasion” 36:22 in Realize Dominators language is decodable through gematria Explains Gematria Arrow S5E10 “Who Are You?” 11:17 min 31:05 left Rory calls Prometheus a Dybbuk Arrow SE11 “Second Chances 5:10 in, 37:05 left Rory explains what bashert means Arrow S5E12 “Bratva” 32:50 9:33 left Recites shema while covering a nuclear bomb