Self-Hypnosis for Better Sleep with Dr. Dyan Haspel-Johnson


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The CALM & COZY Podcast

Health & Fitness

You're gonna love this episode's guest! Dr. Dyan Haspel-Johnson chats with me about the art and science of self-hypnosis for better sleep. As someone who struggled with crippling insomnia and health problems for years, Dr. Dyan speaks from her own experience as well as her professional experience working with clients in her own practice. We talk about some of the myths and misconceptions of hypnosis, how we actually go into a state of hypnosis a few times a day without realizing it, and how to practice self-hypnosis as a tool to calm racing thoughts and achieve restful sleep.

Go to her website for her many resources on self-hypnosis and sleep:

Check out Dr. Dyan's Free download:

“The 3 Biggest Things That Cause Sleep Problems & The ONE Thing You Can Do by 3pm Today to Sleep Better”

Follow Dr. Dyan Haspel-Johnson on Instagram & Twitter: @drdyanhj

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