BTH49 - Life In The Fat Lane with Beefie


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Badgering The Hawkeye


Mike starts the episode with a radio story about the band, Great White. Mike solved a problem when a guitar was need at the last minute. Mike's college buddy Zach or "Beefie" joins the show. Beefie was recently featured in Luke Combs' music video, "Does To Me." Beefie also has a YouTube channel called "Life In The Fat Lane." Beefie talks about the beginnings of the channel and his approach to losing weight. The end of the episode includes a few more college stories about Mike.FACEBOOK: BadgeringTheHawkeyeTWITTER: @badgerthehawkINSTAGRAM: @badgeringthehawkeyeYOUTUBE: Badgering The Hawkeye