Building Resilience in your Upgrade


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Earthed Soul


How do you call incredible soul clients to you, by freely expressing your gifts and totally uplevelling how much richness + revenue you receive? How do you fully step into your soul work - feeling like all the stars are aligned for you to unveil your true self to the world and that you will receive - multi-dimensionally - because it's your birthright to? How do you actualise that upgrade? We've all made those declarations to ourselves, our colleagues, our mentors. Where we choose our next level and dearly want to upgrade into it. We choose the next level of clients buying our offers. Our next level of revenue and livelihood we receive for our soul gifts. Our next level of joy + power in expressing your soul work. In attracting the most enriching + lit up soul partners into your life and having so much space to connect, feel, adventure and fun. It is not only possible for that flow to happen, it is the NATURAL state of your soul. But upgrades require us to elevate across your whole body, field, mind and soul into a new embodied knowing that you can command a higher, more stellar flow. How do we make this elevated embodied frequency our new normal? By growing our tolerance and resilience for it. By learning to sustain our embodiment of it. By aligning into the channel of it AND staying there. In this podcast, Melissa shares the energy of resilience + upgrade, of sustaining the higher frequency of your desires as they actualise in your life. And how to create so much space for your life to be lived - to be the mama, the adventurer, the nurturer. To make space to connect in nature. To rest. To play. To have fun. Embodying your higher level desires naturally brings you into the rhythm of life. So we celebrate how life moves us!