Cassandra Basic Schema and Ruby Gem


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Teach Me To Code » Screencasts


You can get cassandra at and the ruby gem by running: gem install cassandra I did run into a problem with the trift_client gem when installing. If you get a Load Error, run this. sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/thrift_client-0.6.3/lib/thrift_client/*.rb sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/thrift_client-0.6.3/lib/thrift_client/connection Here are some of the Cassandra commands from the video: #connects to the cassandra server using the Twitter keyspace store =“Twitter”) # create a new column family in the Twitter keyspace called Users cf_def = => “Twitter”, :name => “Users”) store.add_column_family(cf_def) # add or create a row to the column family store.insert(“Users”, “cmaxw”, {“name” => “Charles Max Wood”, “description” => “Awesome coder”}) # remove a column from a row store.remove(“Users”, “cmaxw”, “description”) Download 17.2 MB Download (iPod & iPhone) 20.9 MB Take the 2011 Readers Survey