Courage-Recoveryfit- COVID-19 edition


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Rick discusses the effects and benefits of COURAGE along with some techniques to be aware of during these strange and trying times. Fear can have a dramatic effect on the decisions we make on a daily basis. These times of quarantine, masks, opinions, protests, unemployment, finger pointing, and extreme limitations can surely allow fear to cloud our decisions.  The fear is going to be there; but it will take COURAGE to see through it and take action even in the face of Fear. These COVID-19 days of the pandemic are unprecedented for all of us! The circumstances that we must now live under can bring up thoughts, actions, and behaviors that I may not be proud of. Identifying and then addressing some of these shortcomings is going to take Courage. But by having the courage to address and work on these personal defects I can experience recovery and make my life and the lives of those around me significantly better. The willingness to look at oneself and then take action towards solution will definitely take courage, but will also allow us to become the people we strive to be.