Dapper Shark Podcast Episode 97


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Dapper Shark's Podcast


Turns out that whole DDoS that the FCC purported to experience may have been bullshit! Who figured? https://gizmodo.com/fcc-emails-show-agency-spread-lies-to-bolster-dubious-d-1826535344 I sincerely wonder what Valve is thinking, because as a company this isn’t a good business move. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-44393415 Paladins makes it way to Switch, surprising considering they still have a fair few glaring bugs to iron out, but this may very well help them grow substantially. Switch Trailer below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8VomG_49pU On the tail end of that, you can try out the nascent stages of Realm Royale, the battle royal style game set within the Paladins universe. It does have some unique things to it, I may actually have to try this, but I don’t imagine it is going to hold my attention. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/06/08/realm-royale-injects-battle-royale-with-tasty-new-ideas/ Bad Robot creates a game division, so they can have J.J. Abrams bail out in the middle of production process there too! Also, Co-development is something to unpack. For that we will take a brief look at a show called Defiance. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/06/08/j-j-abrams-bad-robot-games/ Final Fantasy XV Finally Gets Mod Support On PC https://kotaku.com/final-fantasy-xv-finally-gets-mod-support-on-pc-1826674555 Latest Hearthstone Patch Is Full Of Stealth Nerfs And Bugs [Update: Some Fixes] https://kotaku.com/latest-hearthstone-patch-is-full-of-stealth-nerfs-and-b-1826650748 New Diablo thing? Hopefully it isn’t a battle royal. https://venturebeat.com/2018/06/05/blizzard-is-hiring-for-an-unannounced-diablo-project/ Google Pixel 3 XL prototype shows an all-glass back, giant display notch https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/06/google-pixel-3-xl-prototype-shows-an-all-glass-back-giant-display-notch