DBAD, The Anti-Bullying Episode - An OBVIOU5 Voice – Episode 27


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An OBVIOU5 Voice


DBAD, The Anti-Bullying Episode - An OBVIOU5 Voice – Episode 27    @CaptainOBVIOU5  facebook.com/OBVIOU5World    One week away from anti-bullying day here in Canada, February 24. The new merchandise is in, OBVIOU5 original shirts are up for sale, as well as the OBVIOU5 Voice hats, and specifically for next week, we have the limited edition. Don't Be A D!c% antibullying OBVIOU5 Voice shirts. Proceeds from the purchase of the Pink DBAD shirts will be going to The Foundry Penticton.  Send me a DM or message and we will get you going today.    Parenting    As we have anti-bullying coming up next week, I want us to take this opportunity to talk to our kids about what they do, how they interact with their friends, and how when they think they're playing a joke or saying a joke to a friend or a classmate or a sibling, that the words they're using may actually be hurtful and not a joke at all.     Mental Health    Words hurt more than you could ever know, and as adults if we're in the workplace, or if we're having beers with buddies, we may say something jokingly when in actuality, you may be digging to the core of something that's deep down inside that person that they've been fighting a battle with for a very long time, or maybe they've heard it so much that they've actually developed a complex and now they don't know how to deal with it.     Dapper    Being dapper is being the bigger person and stepping in when you see somebody that is being belittled or talked down to or made fun of, be the bigger person, stand up to that person. There are bullies all over in our world and they are everywhere.     Dad Tip of the Day    “Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours shine any brighter.”  The reason why people bully, other people, is because they are jealous of that person, they feel inferior to that person. They want what that person has, it really comes down to jealousy or they're trying to get a laugh from the people around.    Hat giveaway this month. All you need to do is get on Facebook, find the preview feed that I put up on the OBVIOU5 World page on Facebook, share it, like it, and comment. All the people that do those three things I will put you into the mix I'll draw one name out of the hat and I will send you said hat