Declutter your life!


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Relax with Meditation


 Clear out your mind.The not-sorry method.If you start with something new, then you need to declutter your life to gain the time for your new hobby or goal. Decide what you don’t care about.Make a list about those things, people that you don’t care anymore.Be polite and honest, so you don’t have regrets and don’t feel bad.You don’t have to be sorry, if you are honest and polite when you decide which people you don’t want any more in your life. Decide in the moment what brings you more joy and love…We all have obligations…Make a list of obligations and cross out what you don’t like and  don’t need.At the end you have saved time.Then do something good with your free time instead to waste your time again on things that don’t bring you anything. Enjoy your life!My video: Declutter your life! audio: