Don't Forget Your Humanity


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Prior to being told I was wearing my mask wrong and that, "it doesn't work unless it's above your nose", I was in a really flat, emotional and anxious state. I walked out of my home for some fresh air, to enjoy the sun and clear my head. I've been struggling with my the changes in our home of becoming an almost full-time step-parent, homeschooling for what seems like forever, running my business and showing up and being in lockdown for so long. When this person corrected me, I was mid taking in three fresh breaths of air to ease the anxiety in my chest. I thought are you fking kidding me? Is this what we've come to?Before correcting another person about their mask, consider the human behind the mask, because there is one there with a beating heart.How are they doing?Maybe they’ve lost their job.Maybe they’re as over it as the rest of us.Maybe they have asthma.Maybe they just want some fresh fking air for a minute too.Maybe they have something I don’t know about.We’re now conditioned to correct people about mask wearing but please, don’t lose your sense of humanity in the process.