E48 - Impractical Jobs


Listens: 2558

Master of Some


According to you, what are some useless/good for nothing professions? I know Podcasting. What else? in this episode Gourav and Abhishek talks about all the Good for nothing jobs exist in this world and for no reason people give these jobs allot of hype. Like for real, what does a Cricket team captain actually do? Don't come at me this quick, first listen to the whole episode.

Also, Gourav will tell you Who are his three philosophical DADDIES and some of their great learnings to enlighten you all!

Listen. Share. Listen Again.

Gourav: Instagram.com/kafiro_ka_kafka

Abhishek: Instagram.com/abhishek1o11

Master Of Some: Instagram.com/masters_podcast

For more info: https://linktr.ee/Mastersomepod