English Language Proficiency: Course Outline, Strategy and Syllabus - Introduction - 2


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English Language Proficiency: Course Outline, Strategy and Syllabus - Introduction

1.    Parts of Speech Overview

2.    Noun-Pronoun

3.    Adjective

4.    Article Determiners

5.    Verb-Adverb

6.    Preposition

7.    Conjunctions

8.    Tense

9.    Active Passive

10.Narration/Direct-Indirect Speech

11. Question Tag

12. Subject Verb Agreement

13. Cloze Test

14. Error Correction in Sentences

15. Fill in the Blanks/Fillers (All Types)

16. Rearrange Sentences/Jumbled Sentences

17. Synonyms

18. Antonyms

19. Idioms and Phrases

20. One Word Substitution

21. Spellings

22. Reading Comprehension