Entry 7: The 'neoliberal moment' with performance artist Yuki Nishimura


Listens: 0

Artist Journal


A new beginning for the Artist Journal podcast, now with guests and music. This episode features Japanese performance artist Yuki Nishimura, where he discusses what he calls the 'neoliberal moment' and his current project, "How to be nice - Eine Deutschstunde" from a cafe in Berlin. To learn more about Yuki's project, visit: https://www.facebook.com/pg/howtobenice.einedeutschstunde/about/?ref=page_internal You can find Adrian Pocobelli online at: https://pocobelli.net/ http://instagram.com/pocobelli https://twitter.com/Pocobelli https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVEohCm8pPoV3ZojCfyt6_A https://medium.com/@pocobelli