Ep. 14 - Practicing Forgiveness


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Dare to Rise


Description: Forgiveness is hard but a very important practice for your emotional, psychological and physical well being. Whether you are forgiving yourself or someone else, it is the first step towards letting go of the past so that you can move towards a brighter future for yourself. In this episode Clare and Sasha discuss the health benefits of practicing forgiveness and outlines the five steps you can take to practice forgiveness. They also talk about their own forgiveness journey and some challenges they face towards forgiving others and themselves. Despite these struggles, they remain steadfast and dedicated to their forgiveness practices. Dare: Do a guided meditation on forgiveness journal about what came up for you, how you are feeling, and why you want to practice forgiveness. Write a one or as many forgiveness statements as you feel is right, do this daily for 7 days. If you still have a lot to forgive after 7 days, run through the steps we discussed throughout the podcast and continue your forgiveness statements. Remember there is no right amount of time it takes, it will be different for everyone. Resources: Practicing the 'F' Word -- 5 Steps to Forgiveness by Dawn Gluskin: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/forgiveness-tips_b_3306557 Live Longer by Practicing Forgiveness by Susan Krauss Whitbourne Ph.D. : https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201301/live-longer-practicing-forgiveness How to forgive someone by Arlo Laibowitz https://www.happiness.com/en/magazine/relationships/how-to-practice-forgiveness/ Generational curse, transmutation of past on pain, and forgiveness for myself this is my favorite meditation: https://youtu.be/5rcvZ_OxyCE Jason Stephenson Youtube has a lot of great guided meditations- this specific one is on forgiveness: https://youtu.be/Ca8tAjaKhLM Episode 5- Cognitive Distortions: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/thedare2rise/episodes/2019-08-01T07_00_00-07_00 Socials: Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/thedare2rise Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thedare2rise/ Blog: https://medium.com/@thedare2rise Twitter: @thedare2rise Instagram: @thedare2rise email: thedare2rise@gmail.com Disclosure: We are not therapists, we are only discussing our experiences in hopes that it will help others. Please seek help if you are feeling depressed, share your feelings with family, friends, a therapist, or call the National Suicide Hotline for immediate help: 1-800-273-8255. You don't have to suffer alone or in silence. Zig Ziglar said “F-E-A-R has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything and Run,’ or, ‘Face Everything and Rise.'" - We dare you to rise!