Ep. 28 -- Year 5 Info, Strat Roulette Gameplay, and Rip TSM's Coach -- 2.22.20


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Tachanka's Disciples // Rainbow Six Siege Podcast


Hey everyone, we had some audio problems so we had to go back to the old ways of audio, so hopefully you can bare with us! Anyways what is up everyone, we come at you with a discussion of the year 5 info that came out of the info. Then we get our gameplays which was all about Strat roulette, and some of our laughs and gripes about it. In the later half of the podcast we chat about the shuffle of teams that has started with CTZN, the org Elevate, and Bagel the coach for TSM.The opening and closing songs are made and owned buy Ubisoft, they hold all the rights to it.