Ep. 6 The Lunar Chronicles: in which we discover that Garfield should never narrate an audiobook because she can’t stick to an accent for a character


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Reader's Guide to the Galaxy


Episode six, in which unqualified high school students discuss an interesting, fanfic trope heavy, version of the future and read completely irrelevant fanfics because Paws told us to. fanfics read:  Garfield--> "Hogwarts School of Prayer and Miracles" by proudhousewife on Fanfiction.net https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10644439/1/Hogwarts-School-of-Prayer-and-Miracles Joostlover--> "The Countess" by Hebi on Fanfiction.net https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13593125/1/The-Countess-translated Paws--> "Death will not stop true love" by asyouwish_foreverandalways on Archiveofourown.org https://archiveofourown.org/works/11431569