Ep.52 - Birgit Jones


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So when you're podcasting there are a few things you hope for: Decent recording quality (meh, sometimes this happens) Good questions (again I think it happens sometimes) Decent guests (oh this one happens a lot!) But another perhaps fourth hope is this: an easy time editing. Editing is hard. Even though it sounds like I just rocked up, recorded and left, it's not like that at all. Dear listener you see, like much of your entertainment out there in other forms, podcasting is also a lie. It sounds like the conversation went smoothly, without hesitation, without error or retakes. Rarely is this the case though.  Now a podcasting pedant might say BPM Pod is too rambling - and that might be true. But when you have such a good time with your guests it's really hard to limit the conversation. And that's why editing this episode was really, really hard. Birgit Jones are awesome (or should I say is awesome as Birgit herself is a person?) This hard-rock-glam-doom trio not only absolutely kill it on stage but they kill it in a conversation too. Open, funny, down-to-earth and not all too serious, I had an absolute blast recording this session and editing it too.  A wonderful band, Birgit Jones have just released their first proper single 'Fire' which you can hear in the podcast. For more information check out their website.  And of course a woman as damn badass and sexy as Birgit is all over social media. Find out more on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook.