Episode 007: The Super Bowl Is #rigged


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Reddit: /r/RedditTryHard Twitter: @trybcast Our gaming clan: reddittryhard.com/join Jeff @dmbuddy Tom @scnoi1217 Jake @jakebathman Post Truthiness Sean Spicer press conference on day one: https://youtu.be/YxMUnnuqd4s?t=1m15s Tomi Lahren on Twitter MTA ridership numbers: http://www.politico.com/story/2017/01/womens-march-washington-metro-trump-234002 WhenIsTrumpGone.com (yes, we made this while recording) Tom's Slang Corner faded: word used on the west coast for being high/stoned/blazed Tai Lopez (a.k.a. Lambo In My Garage): https://twitter.com/tailopez MWR 2v2 Search Tourney All games streamed on twitch.tv/reddittryhard_ and on youtube.com/reddittryhard Sweet new stuff from Brozart Etsy shop, with really cool stuff: etsy.com/shop/designsbybroz Jade eggs in vaginas? Washington Post: No, Gwyneth Paltrow, women should not put jade eggs in their vaginas, gynecologist says New website! trybcast.com Jake's Japanese soda: Ramune (Amazon)