Episode 035 Don't Retire Kids with Travis Dorsch, PhD


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Smartercoachingllc Podcast


As folks may remember from the earlier podcast (episode 013) for the US Center for Coaching Excellence, you were a multi-sport kid through high school and went on to be a punter for Purdue and in the NFL. I also know that you have completed several triathlonsOk, let’s delve into the survey. I think many of us know that survey results can be misinterpreted or misunderstood. Let’s get into the methods. While methods are boring to a lot of folks, I think they are kind of important in providing context to the survey and understanding its limitations. For instance, who was surveyed? How were they found? How representative of the population are they?The big message is that the average kid who is involved in sports stops playing at age 11. Project Play has created a campaign around #Dontretirekid.How do the results of this survey compare to previous surveys? (I had seen previous ages of kids quitting to be 13).Another number from the survey was that the average spending per year was just under $700 per child PER Sport with a HUGE range ($0-35,000). The question I have there is was the median around $700? Also, when I first saw this reported I saw it as $700 per child per year and I thought “well that seems really reasonable” but if that is per sport then a multi-sport kid means $2100 on average.Do we have average spending from previous years? If so, where does this fall when adjusted for inflation ( if it is older info)?Any data or anecdotal evidence on what is causing the early dropout? If not, any thoughts based on the survey data?https://www.aspenprojectplay.org/national-youth-sport-survey-1 (Link to Project Play tables)Utah State University Families in Sport LabTo find Travis on Twitter, @BigSkyBoiler