Episode 10 Snoochie Boochie


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In this episode I am joined by my brothers from another mother T.M.L. A.K.A. The Microphone legend and Gabriel the Pokemon Master. We catch up, go back in time, get nostalgic, and talk Pokemon. To follow my brothers on social media I listed their info down below. In the mean time and in between time roll one up with us and mother mother fuck, mother mother fuck fuck, mother fuck, mother fuck, noise noise noise,,noish noish noish, smokin weed smokin weed doin coke drinkin beers drinking beers beers beers, rollin fatties smokin blunts who smoke the blunts? we smoke the blunts! rollin blunts and sm- let me get a nickelbag- 15 bucks little man put that shit in my hand, if that money doesn't show then you owe me owe, my jungle love, oioio, i think i wanna know ya know ya yeah what? T.M.L. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/microphone_legend/ Gabriel Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mostloved_gabriel/ B-Rad G youngbradley.net Follow the Show Social Media •Email: crackabrewandsmokeafew@gmail.com •Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Crack-a-Brew-Smoke-a-Few-1773729242653659/ •YouTube: Crack A Brew & Smoke A Few •Twitter: CBSFPodcast •SnapChat:cbsfpodcast •Instagram:crackabrewandsmokeafew