Episode 11 - The Beauty of Teaching Your Students Visual Literacy


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Sustainable Teaching


I am honored to have Katie Diebold join me for episode 11. Have you ever been horrified by a student presentation? Good news! Katie has a solution that beautifies student work while giving learners invaluable 21st-century skills. Katie and I discuss her unique career and the benefits of teaching students principles of design. Enjoy the episode and tweet Katie @katiediebold ideas for naming her visual literacy project using the hashtag #designprojectname. References from the episode: Katie on Twitter: https://twitter.com/KatieDiebold MathSpace: https://mathspace.co/ Adobe Color CC for color scheme: https://color.adobe.com/create/color-wheel/ FontPair.co (not font.co) to pair Google fonts: http://fontpair.co/ Canva to create imagery: https://www.canva.com/ Tom’s blog post about Canva: https://tommullaney.com/2017/02/01/why-this-teacher-loves-canva/ Colorzilla Google Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/colorzilla/bhlhnicpbhignbdhedgjhgdocnmhomnp?hl=en