Episode 133 - Once I’m done with my fat-loss phase, when can I eat normal food?


Listens: 1238

Siddesh Vojhala's Podcast

Health & Fitness

Once I’m done with my fat-loss phase, when can I eat normal food?

This is one question that use to bother me when I started. 

I thought that in order to ‘diet’, I must’ve to eat some ‘special foods’ for a period of time, till I’m in the game. 

I was wrong here. 

When you start your journey, keep it very simple. The foods that you’ve been eating regularly, are absolutely fine. We just need to make sure that we are getting enough amount of the required nutrients from the food. 

With this, your adherence won’t be affected. The journey becomes much doable. 

If you stick to this pattern, even after reaching a decent shape, you can easily continue your routine, without any hassle. 

One day at a time.