Episode 134 - Don't lose your mind, during your transition period


Listens: 4601

Siddesh Vojhala's Podcast

Health & Fitness

When we start our fitness journey, it will demand you to change. Small changes. While going through the transition period, a lot of times you may tend to lose your mind. Temperatures are soaring high, and it adds up to it. 

Uncomfortable situations, Irritation, Heat, Work pressure, Targets, Add up too. Growth is always seen when you go against the winds and when you flow against the flowing river. This is what we need to learn and understand. 

Take complete control of the situation, and destroy your limits. Just that, Don’t weaken your army. Words are powerful. Use them wisely. We need to understand that it’s teamwork. Friends, family, etc. Anger and frustration will dwell. But, we need to rise by handling them all. No point in transforming your health, at the cost of broken relationships and being alone. 

When you win over yourself, just make sure not to lose your team.

One day at a time. Bas, RUKNA NAHI HAI.️