Episode 14 - Web Summit and Entrepreneurship Policy


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Technology Voice


00:00 Intro Music “Alone But Not Lonely” by Stefan Ternemar 00:11 Intro by John Breslin @johnbreslin, Marie Boran @PixievVonDust, Jack Harty, Andrii Degeler @shlema, Tom Murphy @tom_murphy 00:01 Shout outs: Irish Executive Mentoring Program http://www.iemp.org FlirtFM http://flirtfm.ie 01:37 News Section: 01:45 Dublin Web Summit http://websummit.net 03:17 Jay Bregman on Drones @jaybregman Ireland well poised to be a leader in Drone tech - discussion. 06:44 Driverless Cars - piloted cars discussion. 08:44 Amendments to Article 8 and Article 39 of 1968 Convention on Road Traffic http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/doc/2014/wp1/ECE-TRANS-WP1-145e.pdf Annex Page 9. 09:44 Audi Pilotless cars Andreas Reich - Head of Electronic Predevelopment http://blog.websummit.net/audi-web-summit-2014/ discussion. 13:30 Wearable fitness devices are not used over the long term. http://fortune.com/2014/05/08/fitness-trackers-are-on-the-outs-but-wearables-are-not/ 19:30 Walkmeter https://abvio.com/walkmeter/ 20:25 Jawbone Up https://jawbone.com/up 20:32 Fitbit Flex http://www.fitbit.com/flex 20:44 StepTracker https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/steptracker-fitness-pedometer/id714439468?mt=8 21:05 FuelBand http://www.nike.com/us/en_us/c/nikeplus-fuelband 22:30 Propeller Health http://propellerhealth.com/solutions/ 23:00 Tech Finance: Jack Harty discusses the National Policy Statement on Entrepreneurship in Ireland http://www.enterprise.gov.ie/en/Publications/National%20Policy%20Statement%20on%20Entrepreneurship%20in%20Ireland.pdf 30:33 #DigiWomen http://digi-women.com 50:07 Cool Tech: 50;15 Microsoft Band http://www.microsoft.com/microsoft-band/en-us 56:11 Amazon Echo http://www.amazon.com/oc/echo/ref_=ods_dp_ae 57:25 i3 BMW Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwi10ZCXRrA&spfreload=10&channel=technologyvoice 57:34 Onyx Walkie Talkie by OnBeep http://www.onbeep.com/order/onyx 58:57 Wrap Up 59:25 End of speech portion. Outro music “Alone But Not Lonely” by Stefan Ternemar 60:00 End