Episode 18: Happy New Year!


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-We talk about Chocolate Christmas Oranges, and Dona and Melvina's hookups with Cheryl Cole, and our complete misunderstanding of Cheryls. -It's been ONE YEAR! We talk about regrets and diversity hires! -We talk about our GOTYs, like Bugsnax, Bugsnaxx and also BugsnaxXx. Please see our previous episode to see our discussion about snacks and bugs. -We talk about Animal Crossing, and Sierra learning to let go of her control issues. -We talk about playing games for fun and enjoyment and attempting to divorce ourself a bit from the desperate need for CONTENT CREATION (tm). Spoilers: It only sort of works. -We talk about the new year and how WE'RE NOT GONNA FUCKING JINX IT THIS TIME GOD DAMNIT -We talk about DRAG RACE and how ABSOLUTELY LOW THE BAR IS! -We talk about our live performances and our gigs that we've had over the year, and how digital drag and live drag are interestingly different with regards to the performance experience and feedback -We talk about our New Years Resolutions and corny bullshit like that