Episode 2: You can’t call me on my cell phone


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People in provincial jails are paying unreasonable fees to use the phone. Someone is profiting - but it’s not who you might think. Nadine and Kelly speak to lawyer Michael Spratt (Abergel Goldstein & Partners and host of the Docket), Irene Mathias (Mothers Offering Mutual Support) and “Annie Body” (a former inmate) about how the prison phone system is creating a barrier to rehabilitation, and may even be violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Written by: Nadine Blum and Kelly Doctor Produced by : Ellie Gordon-Moershel Music credits: Uh Oh, by Jeremy Fisher (with permission from the Artist) Flood, by Jazzhar: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar/Viikinsaari/Flood Under Suspicion, by Lee Rosevere: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Lee_Rosevere/Music_For_Podcasts_2/Lee_Rosevere_-_Music_for_Podcasts_2_-_05_Under_Suspicion Books, by Jazzhar: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar/CDDC/Books Improv2, by Jazzhar: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar/kontra-punkte/improv2_1010 Forgiven, not forgotton, by Jazzhar: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar/Kuddelmuddel/Forgiven_not_forgotten_master_2 Artwork: Annette Blum