Episode 20: Improving medical treatment in hearing loss: Guest Erick Gallun


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Dr. Erick Gallun joins us today to talk about the latest in audiology research, and how it can be applied to help those with a range of hearing problems. His research has focused on rehabilitation with Veteran's Association (VA) patients. Rapid-response medical care and an understanding of how hearing is affected by brain damage are critical areas in need of research. Advances in portable computing have made widespread assessment possible, and Virtual Reality applications show promise for cost-effective and standardized assessment. Resources: P.A.R.T. (Portable Automated Rapid Testing) (https://braingamecenter.ucr.edu/games/p-a-r-t/): + link on iTunes (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/p-a-r-t/id1126512332?platform=ipad&preserveScrollPosition=true#platform/ipad) Independent impacts of age and hearing loss on spatial release in a complex auditory environment (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2013.00252/full) by Gallun, et al., 2013 Special Guest: Erick Gallun.